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Monday, July 19, 2010

When things don't go to plan, but are still AWESOME!

Wow - This weekend was one of those weekends and it WAS awesome (well, parts of it anyway).

Lets start with Friday: As you know from my "Friday write-up" I was planning to jump on Saturday, no such luck I'm afraid! Unfortunately there was a terrible tragedy on Friday, one of the skydivers partaking in the Durban airshow died while practising for the jump that was going to take place on Saturday. I won't go into detail, mainly out of respect for the unfortunate skydiver and also because the investigation has been completed yet, so it would all just be speculation.

As this was jumper was part of the South African Military jump team, they would not allow the rest of the jumpers to use a military aircraft for the airshow as the incident was under investigation. This means that they borrowed our Angel on Saturday to drop the jumpers for the airshow.

This turned out to not be so bad after all, in terms of my plans to jump on Saturday as my entire Saturday was spent digging up my driveway looking for a massive water leak, replacing pipes etc. Upon my house mates and I returning home from drinks on Friday night for a friends birthday, one of my house mates (That was completely sober and driving my car), accidentally drove over our water meter and broke it. We quickly turned the water off as it was spraying like crazy all over the place.

Once the municipality had replaced the meter on Saturday morning, it was ticking over at an alarming rate (something like 250ltrs in 15minutes!).

Worried that we had possibly broken the pipe somewhere further down, we decided to dig up the drive way and replace the pipe! Unfortunately, after an entire day of hard labour, we still hadn't located the leak. So we decided to call in the professionals on Sunday morning to sort it out. Thankfully, this meant that I could go jump on Sunday :-)

So Sunday morning I woke up bright and early to go to my mom's to shower (as we still had no water), and also to pick up my A-License card and certificate :-) I then arrived at the Drop Zone, kitted up, and waited for my slot!

It wasn't a particularly busy day at the Drop Zone, so after my 1 solo, and 2 two-ways, we were done for the day. For some reason all the regular fun jumpers left early which meant that after all the tandems, we didn't have enough people to fill the loads :-( But the two ways went well and I thoroughly enjoyed the day after having not jumped for close to FOUR WEEKS!

I decided not to get my CI to take some photo's and instead decided that I'm going to start training for my Free-Fly CAT II & III tests :-) I found an audible Alti that I can buy from my Free-Fly coach and my first briefing will be next weekend!

I'm really excited for the free-fly coaching, and getting my CAT's done as they are one of the requirements for my B-License, which I am hoping to have by the end of the year (budget permitting).

All-in-all, this weekend was NOTHING like I had planned for it to be, but it was still an AWESOME weekend and it feels GREAT to be back in the sky again!

Blue Skies everyone and happy days!

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